State election 2022: voting for cycling in Albert Park

Both the Port Phillip BUG and the Bicycle Network have invited candidates to complete surveys about their plans for improving cycling conditions. We report on their answers, and general material, here. Responsibility for any comment is taken by Julie Clutterbuck, c/o Ecocentre 55A Blessington St, St Kilda.

Cassandra Westwood - Animal Justice Party

Do you support separated cycling lanes on St Kilda Rd? YES.

Do you support upgrading the strategic cycling corridors to separated bike lanes? YES.

Other policies: Provide financial incentives to both producers and consumers to switch to more eco-friendly land transport solutions, including cycling. Reduce inner-city traffic by reallocating road and car park space for cyclists.

Policy link:

Kim Samiotis— The Greens.

Do you support separated cycling lanes on St Kilda Rd? YES.

Do you support upgrading the strategic cycling corridors to separated bike lanes? YES.

Other policies: I'm proud to say that The Greens have committed $2.5 billion dollars over the next four years to our Big Bike Build with hundreds of kilometres of safe, separated bike superhighways that will cut emissions, improve safety and make it easier for people to get around. We know that the best way to encourage active transport is to invest in separated and safe bike lanes protecting riders, drivers and pedestrians and encouraging more cyclists to get around our beautiful precincts for leisure, errands, commuting and fitness. I look forward to working with my Greens colleagues and other members of parliament to implement our Big Bike Build plans to the benefit of Albert Park cyclists.

Policy link: