Councillor report card: who supports residents when we're cycling?

Here we assess the legacy of the councillors on Port Phillip Council 2020-24.

Council’s strategy for improving transport options is the Move, Connect, Live , Integrated Transport Strategy 2018-28. As we’ll see below, many councillors have blocked implementation as each project is under consideration.

The key action from the policy is to create a network of protected bike lanes. Protected bike lanes are the most effective way to enable people to ride; about 70% of Port Phillip residents are interested in riding more, but are prevented from doing so because they don’t want to ride with heavy traffic.

The policy proposed that 11 protected bike lanes be built by 2028, with a further 2 afterwards. Another 2 were planned to be delivered by State Government. In 2024, only some have been considered by council and even fewer have been built. Specific issues affecting people on bikes are briefly described below.

Garden city off road connection: completed 21/22. A decision from the previous Council.

Park St link: Design for on-road protected bike lane between St Kilda Rd and Kings Way down-graded to a partially on-footpath design, to be completed by 2025.

Albert Rd to Kerferd Rd: planned to be delivered by State Government as part of the Shrine to Sea project. Council voted against the protected bike lane that was part of this project.

Inkerman St: Council voted against installing protected bike lanes in May 2024.

Pop-up bike infrastructure project: In 2022, VicRoads implemented a trial of pop-up bike and walking infrastructure. In December 2022, councillors demanded that the changes be removed. The trial was wastefully reversed before the data was analysed— despite user feedback indicating that some of the changes increased perception of safety, and high level reports that it reduced rat-running and increased ridership by 48%.

Councillor report card

TIM BAXTER: A stalwart supporter of active and sustainable transport. Greens. ☆☆☆☆☆

ANDREW BOND: Councillor Bond has proclaimed he’s “proudly part of the most anti-bike Council ever” and he generally votes this way too. Liberal. ☆

RHONDA CLARKE: Consistently votes against any initiatives that would promote cycling. Quote: “you can’t ride a bike with shopping, or to pick up kids, or if you’re elderly or disabled”. RoPP party. ☆

LOUISE CRAWFORD: Councillor Crawford has made cogent arguments in Council in favour of a systematic treatment of traffic issues, and has also been open to consulting with the community and coming to see conditions on the street. However her record in Council is patchy; she ensured Council avoided a discussion of the much-needed protected bike lane on Inkerman St; and also voted to remove the pop-up trial before data was analysed. Was not present for the Kerferd Rd vote. Understands the issues but will not take any bold moves to support people in her community to stay safe while riding. Labor. ☆☆☆

HEATHER CUNSOLO: Councillor Cunsolo is personally a confident and active cyclist, and has been open to consulting with the community about transport safety. This has not translated into any concrete action to keep people on bike safe, indeed during the Council discussion on Kerferd Rd she actively misled the community about the proposed designs (she stated that the surface would be inclined, which would be difficult for disabled people using trikes to use; this was not what was shown in the plans). A cyclist who consistently votes with the anti-cyclist lobby. Independent. ☆☆

PETER MARTIN: Like Cr Cunsolo, Cr Martin is personally an avid cyclist, but the difference is that Cr Martin acts to enable others to cycle safely. Genuinely works towards finding a positive outcome. Labor. ☆☆☆☆☆

ROBBIE NYAGUY: Since joining the council halfway throught he term to fill a vacancy, Cr Nyaguy has spoken passionately in favour of active transport and improving conditions for people on bikes. An uncompromising supporter. Labor. ☆☆☆☆☆

MARCUS PEARL: Consistently votes against any initiatives that would promote cycling. Liberal. ☆

CHRISTINA SIRAKOFF: Consistently votes against any initiatives that would promote cycling. RoPP party. ☆