Candidates are rated on their record and their survey response. All the survey responses are HERE. Candidates are invited to fill out the survey here.
Independent. Rhonda is running on a platform of community services, addressing the climate crises, and fairer decision making. She is a strong advocate for active transport, including speaking up as a member of the public at Council meetings. In her own ward, Rhonda says that a protected bike lane on Kerferd Rd would make for a safer, more relaxing ride. In her own words “If I am elected to Council, I will advocate for stronger community education and engagement by Council to respond to community concerns and better promote active transport options - walking, cycling and public transport - as of benefit to us all.” More information
Greens. Connor supports almost all of our active transport items, though not improved measures to help keep footpaths free of scooters. He nominates bike lanes on Kerferd Rd as a clear opportunity for improving active transport in the Ward. In his own words, “I was a long time commuter from St Kilda West to Clayton, so I have a good appreciation of the uphill (pardon the pun) battle that daily riders face, and have also been the beneficiary of the benefits. Lowering the barriers to entry and increasing safety are key to encouraging a behaviour that has great upside for the individual, the community, and the environment, and I am fully committed to supporting it in any capacity I can.” MORE INFO.
Council election index here. All council election blog posts.
Responsibility for election comment is taken by J. Clutterbuck, Elwood. Postal address c/o P.O. Box 4223 Richmond 3121