cargo bikes

Mitch's commute

A man riding a white cargo bike with dogs in the basket

I live in Fitzroy and work in Albert Park; so my daily commute is across the CBD, along South Bank and down to Albert Park.

There is a noticeable difference between the North Side of the Yarra and the South Side regarding cycling infrastructure. City of Yarra have done a great job making cycling safer and getting more cars off the road. I also find car users have an increased sense of awareness for cyclists, which translates to riding feeling safer.

I ride my bike because it’s fun. I love the fresh air, human powered movement and reducing my carbon footprint. It also saves me 20 minutes of travel each way, or 240 minutes a week. With that considered, I’d be mad not to ride.

This bike is my commuter (I have a few bikes). It’s amazing because I can fit lot’s of gear in the front crate or the rear rack. My two kelpies; Sox and Cima (chi-ma) come everywhere with me and they can both comfortably sit in the front while we get around. They love it too.

This bike is an Riese and Muller Load 60. It’s an E-Bike, so for those who find the idea of having to pedal everywhere a little disheartening, an E-Bike is for you. It’s like spinning with very low watts on flat ground.

I lease this through my business from a local company called E-stralian. They lease and sell E-Bikes and have lots of different options you can try. They are very well put together, this bike is pretty much bomb proof. E-stralian take care of all the maintenance as part of the lease, all I have to do is ride.

If you are frustrated by traffic on your commute and you don’t have time for aerobic exercise in your life, ride a bike!