State election 2022: voting for cycling in Brighton

Both the Port Phillip BUG and the Bicycle Network have invited candidates to complete surveys about their plans for improving cycling conditions. We report on their answers, and general material, here. Responsibility for any comment is taken by Julie Clutterbuck, c/o Ecocentre 55A Blessington St, St Kilda.

Felicity Frederico - Independent candidate

Do you support separated cycling lanes on St Kilda Rd? YES.

Do you support upgrading the strategic cycling corridors to separated bike lanes? YES.

Other policies: I championed the Beach Road clearway while I was the Mayor and Councillor on Bayside Council, and also championed the missing link on the coastal shared bike path in Bayside. I also campaigned against bicycle registration - when there was a keen push from Bayside City Council councillors. I also ensured that all new larger scale developments (public and private) had adequate bike parking as part of their planning conditions. I am a keen cyclist and understand the importance of sharing the road amongst all user groups. I will continue to advocate for the safety of cyclists and their fair share of the road, and for more dedicated and shared bike paths and the upgrading of these paths so they are compliant with Australian standards.

Policy link:


Do you support separated cycling lanes on St Kilda Rd? YES.

Do you support upgrading the strategic cycling corridors to separated bike lanes? YES.

Other policies: Apart from our Bay Trail the seat of Brighton has woefully inadequate bike lanes. We need to connect nearby suburbs to the Bay Trail so that when people want to bike ride to the beach they can. We need to establish separated bike lanes along the Nepean Highway and our major suburban streets to make commuting easier.

Policy link:

Louise Crawford— Labor

Do you support separated cycling lanes on St Kilda Rd? YES.

Do you support upgrading the strategic cycling corridors to separated bike lanes? Yes but will need to work with the community as part of the process as we know it is difficult