State election 2022: voting for cycling in the Southern Metropolitan Region

Both the Port Phillip BUG and the Bicycle Network have invited candidates to complete surveys about their plans for improving cycling conditions. We report on their answers, and general material, here. Responsibility for any comment is taken by Julie Clutterbuck, c/o Ecocentre 55A Blessington St, St Kilda.

Katherine Copsey— THE GREENS

Do you support separated cycling lanes on St Kilda Rd? YES.

Do you support upgrading the strategic cycling corridors to separated bike lanes? YES.

Other policies: I'm an everyday cyclist myself and know the benefits that flow from getting on our bikes, from healthier communities to less traffic congestion and lower transport emissions. I've loved supporting Ride2Work and Ride2School days as a councillor plus other local programs that help more people try riding or gain confidence and skills - such as riding skills and maintenance workshops. We know though that the key to getting more people riding is providing well-designed separated infrastructure so the roads are safer for all users. I will continue to stand up for the big boost to cycling infrastructure we need to see. We have one of the most beautiful places to ride in Melbourne, I want to see if become the safest and most enjoyable place to get on your bike, too.

Policy link: