Residents ask for bike infrastructure trial to roll on

Local residents have asked that the VicRoads trial of bike lane infrastructure in Port Phillip contin- ues, with a full evaluation at the end.

“The VicRoads trial has the potential to deliver modest safety improvements, so we should let the trial go ahead and evaluate it at the end. However, the program does not deliver what people on bikes really need: protected bike lanes,” Julie Clutterbuck, President Port Phillip Bicycle Users Group (PPBUG).

In recent months VicRoads have been trialing interventions on streets from Port Melbourne to Elwood. These include yellow painted bike lanes, speed cushions, and plastic and concrete bollards.

Only one section of the trial included a separated bike lane, on Kerferd Rd in Albert Park. However this section was cancelled following agitation by some City of Port Phillip councillors. In response, the PPBUG has collected over 750 signatures in a petition asking for the Kerferd Rd trial to be reinstated.

Councillor Andrew Bond now plans to introduce a motion to Council on Wednesday, requesting the remainder of the trial be removed, citing concerns about visual amenity and safety.

On Sunday 17th July, the PPBUG led a community bike ride through the municipality to review the changes. We met with Councillors Heather Cunsolo, Peter Martin, and MLC Nina Taylor. We found that some of the interventions were positive for safety, some had little impact, and some were confusing. However the overall response from the community was to let the trial go ahead.

If specific elements are found to improve safety, they can be upgraded to more attractive permanent versions, such as planters.

We also call on the Port Phillip Council to stop dragging its heels on its own program of protected bike lanes. Council planned to build 11 routes in the decade 2018 to 2028, and has only completed one so far, with another two in planning stages.

“If the Council were serious about keeping people on bikes safe, they’d be getting on with building their own bike infrastructure, not obstructing VicRoads’ trial.”

We need a protected bike lane trial on Kerferd Rd

The history

2018: The City of Port Phillip’s integrated transport strategy Move Live Connect designates Albert/Kerferd Roads as a priority bike route. CoPP prepares a Kerferd Rd safety trial, including a protected bike lane, supported by extensive traffic modelling.

However in the 2018/19 budget, the State Government committed $13m to the Shrine to Sea project, upgrading the Albert Rd/ Kerferd Rd boulevard including active transport links.

In the face of this, the Council decided not to proceed with their own trial.

The Shrine to Sea project has proceeded glacially, with extensive community consultation, and a draft design expected to go out for consultation in 2022.

Kerferd Rd bike lane current condition

Pop-up lanes project

In 2022, VicRoads announced that as part of their pop-up bike lanes project, “40km of new and protected bike lanes” would be installed in the City of Port Phillip. Most of this was so-called “light touch” measures: renewing paint on existing on-road lanes, wayfaring signs, and speed humps.

The single substantive measure was a trial of a parking-protected bike lane on Kerferd Rd, between Richardson St and Canterbury Rd. This would include a bollard protected bike lane under the light rail near the Albert Rd/Canterbury Rd intersection. Protection from cars is essential on this stretch of road, as can be seen in the photo below.

In April 2022 VicRoads announced that following “community consultation” the trial would not go ahead.

View of the road under the light rail line, with a car partially driving in the bike lane.

Google streetview of lightrail underpass, showing a vehicle veering dangerously into the bike lane

Planning context

Kerferd Rd is an extraordinarily wide boulevard. Few inner city streets offer such ample space for introducing simple safety improvements. There are two vehicle lanes in each direction, a very wide grassy median and a mix of angle parking and parallel parking against the curb. There are almost no driveways. After Canterbury Rd it becomes Albert Rd, and runs alongside Albert Park, with service roads for much of the length. At the south-west end is the sea, at the north east end is the Shrine of Remembrance and the Domain. There are extensive sporting facilities in Albert Park, and nearby schools include Middle Park Primary, Albert Park Primary, South Melbourne Park Primary, and MacRob Girls High School.

Kerferd Rd is not a VicRoads declared road although Albert Road is. The Albert Rd/Kerferd Rd route is a State Strategic Cycling corridor, which are “the most important routes for cycling for transport”.

A map of strategic cycling corridors, showing Kerferd Rd

Strategic cycling corridors, December 2020

Albert Rd/Kerferd Rd is route 2 on the City of Port Phillip’s bicycle network, and has been identified as a high priority by Council for many years.

The need

Council’s original plan for Kerferd Rd identified the need for improvement here:

Kerferd Road has a very high number of crashes compared to other Council-managed roads in Port Phillip. In the five-year period ending in June 2017, there were 25 recorded crashes on Kerferd Road that resulted in injury to bike riders, drivers and pedestrians.

  • 15 crashes resulted in injury to bike riders

  • 1 crash resulted in injury to a pedestrian

  • 10 crashes caused serious injuries

Kerferd Road is a key link for bike riders and connects the Bay Trail bike path to the off-road paths in Albert Park Reserve, the new Anzac Station and to the proposed upgraded bike facilities on St Kilda Road and Moray Street.

Strava heat map shows high use  by cyclists

Heat map from Strava shows existing heavy bike use of Kerferd Rd, similar to St Kilda Rd or Beaconsfield Parade

What the experts say

Separated bike lanes are essential for better mental and physical health: the Heart Foundation says that Victoria should be investing in separated bike lanes improve health, as well as support local businesses, save households money, and provide independence and freedom, especially for children, teenagers, the elderly and people with a disability. They estimate that $13 would be returned in value for every $1 spent.

Separated bike lanes make financial sense: Infrastructure Victoria says “if we provide alternatives that get more cars off the road, everyone benefits. For drivers, it means less time in traffic and travelling to the city becomes a better experience. For everyone else, the environmental and productivity benefits are huge.”

Community concerns

Many community concerns were raised about the trial, include a scaremongering petition that was circulated claiming that the trial would “mean a loss of parking spots, a bike lane (where one already exists) and using ugly concrete bollards between the nature strip and the parked cars”.

From the anti-bike-lane-petition.  Reasons for signing "My cat loves to walk down the road freely and without a care in the world.  NO CHANGES TO KERFERD RD"

Screenshot from the anti-bike lane trial petition

Rather than respond to these concerns with either modifying the design or by correcting misinformation, or even by pointing out that a trial would give everyone the chance to identify issues and correct them, VicRoads abandoned the project.

Sign ouR Petition to Local Member of Parliament, Minister Martin Foley, and Roads Minister, Ben Carroll.

In our petition, we ask for the re-instatement of the trial. This will allow any issues to be addressed ahead of the planned installation of permanent, separated bike lanes in the Shrine to Sea project.

Letter to Roads minister and local member regarding abandonment of the Kerferd Rd pop-up bike lane trial

To send your own letter: email addresses are,, please cc to

Dear Mr Carroll, dear Mr Foley,

The Port Phillips Bicycle User Group wishes to express its frustration and disappointment with the announced abandonment of the Kerferd Rd pop-up bike lane trial. the abandonment of the Kerferd Rd pop-up bike lane trial.

This trial would have been

  • On a road with planned protected bike lanes, as part of a longer term project (Shrine to Sea)

  • On a very wide road, that extensive traffic modelling (by Port Phillip Council) had already established was suitable for space reallocated to active transport

  • The only component of the over-hyped "40km of new and improved bike lanes" that would deliver real safety improvements to people on bikes--- in fact we are getting 38km of paint and wayfaring signs

  • Providing safety to vulnerable road users at the dangerous pinch point under the light rail line.

Members of this Bicycle Users Group have engaged in consultations in good faith. We've met with the VicRoads team, and spent days working with the community consultation for the Shrine to Sea project.

The consultation for the Kerferd Rd project had many deficiencies. As we (the BUG) said to [VicRoads representative] when we met, the main way that residents were given to engage was via "drop a point on an online map". When an elderly BUG member pointed out that this isn't user friendly, we were told that they should "contact VicRoads directly"--- without contact details being given!

On the other hand, a misleading and scare-mongering anti-bike lane petition seems to have been over-valued.

We express strong concern that the ‘anti-bike’ lane petition is both misleading ((e.g. lots of concrete bollards) and scare-mongering. While we agree with some of the expressed local residents’ concerns - for instance how the pop-up lane would interact with the location of bins - the lack of consideration for design modification options or clarification of issues is dismaying. The outcome gives greater weight to these solvable issues rather than the safety of cyclists.

The Victorian government has delivered almost nothing for the safety of people riding bikes in Port Phillip. The St Kilda separated bike lane is stalled in the planning phase. The Shrine to Sea project is a very protracted consultation and now a chance is missed to demonstrate one of the key benefits of the project, which we believe raises doubts about the commitment to the whole project.

We would like to work with the project team to get the Kerferd Rd trial back on track while addressing reasonable resident concerns, such as flexible bollards being used rather than concrete bollards. Safer cycling for all should be the priority in a future with net zero carbon emissions.

Latest Park St bike plan misses the mark

PARK ST SOUTH MELBOURNE.    At the Port Phillip Council meeting on 20th October, the Council resolved send a revised bike lane design for Park St out to consultation.    The revision is a significant downgrading of the plan presented to Council in March.  The March plan had protected, on-road lanes between St Kilda Rd and Moray St (and was a substantial improvement on the first plan).  In order to preserve parking, the new plan moves the bike lane on to the footpath between St Kilda Rd and Kings Way.    This makes it a worse experience for both pedestrians and cyclists, with no separation beyond paint, and a loss of directness as the bike lane winds up onto the footpath from the road.   It's also rated by the engineers as significantly less safe.    It's disappointing that Council has decided that walking and cycling needs to make way for parking, despite stating that their priorities are the opposite.  

Nevertheless, the project does implement the council's bike lane strategy and is an improvement on what is now there.   

Our submission to the consultation:

The current plans for the bike lanes are significantly worse than the plans proposed in March. In the earlier plan, the cycle lanes between St Kilda Road and Kingsway were protected and on-road. In this plan, they are moved onto the footpath.

This change...

* Provides a less attractive experience for cyclists, with a less direct path winding up and down from the footpath.

* Has worse sightlines, with lack of clear priority at side-streets

* Is more dangerous for pedestrians, as quantified in the supporting documents provided

* Is more dangerous for cyclists, as quantified in the supporting documents provided

* Takes space away from pedestrians, in direct contravention of the Move Live Connect strategy which is supposed to prioritise them.

This change has been implemented in order to provide a handful of car parks, again in contravention to the Move Live Connect strategy which is supposed to prioritise active transport.

Between Kings Way and Moray St, the temporary bike lanes are a very good solution and we hope they become permanent.

While the changes are an improvement to current conditions and hence we support them, they also represent a significant missed opportunity for an excellent bike connection to the new station and will be a weak point in our future network.

Please make a submission to the consultation by 12 December:

Mitch's commute

A man riding a white cargo bike with dogs in the basket

I live in Fitzroy and work in Albert Park; so my daily commute is across the CBD, along South Bank and down to Albert Park.

There is a noticeable difference between the North Side of the Yarra and the South Side regarding cycling infrastructure. City of Yarra have done a great job making cycling safer and getting more cars off the road. I also find car users have an increased sense of awareness for cyclists, which translates to riding feeling safer.

I ride my bike because it’s fun. I love the fresh air, human powered movement and reducing my carbon footprint. It also saves me 20 minutes of travel each way, or 240 minutes a week. With that considered, I’d be mad not to ride.

This bike is my commuter (I have a few bikes). It’s amazing because I can fit lot’s of gear in the front crate or the rear rack. My two kelpies; Sox and Cima (chi-ma) come everywhere with me and they can both comfortably sit in the front while we get around. They love it too.

This bike is an Riese and Muller Load 60. It’s an E-Bike, so for those who find the idea of having to pedal everywhere a little disheartening, an E-Bike is for you. It’s like spinning with very low watts on flat ground.

I lease this through my business from a local company called E-stralian. They lease and sell E-Bikes and have lots of different options you can try. They are very well put together, this bike is pretty much bomb proof. E-stralian take care of all the maintenance as part of the lease, all I have to do is ride.

If you are frustrated by traffic on your commute and you don’t have time for aerobic exercise in your life, ride a bike!

Councillor's ride of the Gateway Ward

On the 11th May, the BUG took new Port Phillip Councillors Heather Cunsolo and Peter Martin for a ride of Gateway Ward. Or maybe they took us—- they are both at home on their bikes!

BUG members Julie and Pierre with councillors Heather Cunsolo and Peter Martin

BUG members Julie and Pierre with councillors Heather Cunsolo and Peter Martin

Our first stop was the notorious bus stop near the Sandridge Lifesaving Club. This is smack in the middle of the shared path, and the large advertising posters block views of the oncoming bikes and pedestrians, as well as people waiting at the bus stop. We’ve been raising this issue since 2019. In 2020 Councillor Pearl raised it in Council, to which the General Manager replied “"if there is a bus stop that’s causing any safety issues we will report that to the Department of Transport"—- it’s not clear if that’s happened. Our Councillors indulged us by illustrating the safety issues involved.


Next stop, the planned Garden City route. This is one of the protected bike routes from the Integrated Transport Strategy, joining Beacon Rd with Garden City Reserve and then on to the Sandridge Trail via Swallow St. The planned route will include a bidirectional trail on the west side of Beacon Rd and improved crossings on Swallow St. It’s not clear how it will deal with the roundabout between Beacon Rd and the Boulevard.

At the roundabout

At the roundabout

Next stop, the Sandridge Trail. There is still no safe crossing on Bridge St (pictured below), but the new signalised crossing on Ingles St is a big improvement.

No safe crossing of Bridge St

No safe crossing of Bridge St

There was some good news though—- at the tram depot, the Sandridge Trail was closed for works. Apparently the flooding issue (raised repeatedly by BUG members, and also identified in the BikeSpot project) is being addressed, and the notorious yellow railing chicanes are being replaced. The proposed designs look like they’ll be a much better fit for people with trailers, long bikes, or wide bikes.

Finally over to Moray St, and Park St, where Council and State Government plan to build protected bike lanes. Between St Kilda Rd and Kingsway, a planned major renovation of the road will include protected lanes. Between Kingsway and the roundabout, Council will put in temporary protected bike lanes. It’s not clear what the final layout will be.


Thanks to Heather and Peter for coming out on a damp and windy morning, we wish you well for your term on Council.

Council elections October 2020

We’ve looked at the bike-related policies and actions of the candidates, both incumbent and new. The summary is here, and our reasons are below. Candidates in bold are incumbent, and have been rated on their track records in council. New candidates are rated on their intentions.

Highly recommended Recommended Not recommended
CANAL   Tim Baxter Dick Gross Steven Armstrong
Louise Crawford Warwick Cahir
Lesley Pianella Rhonda Clarke
Denis Bilic
Maddy Blay
LAKE Katherine Copsey Robbie Nyaguy Andrew Bond
Geoffrey Conaghan Adrian Jackson
Roger Ward Bernard Mandile
Christina Sirakoff
GATEWAY Earl James Marcus Pearl
Heather Cunsolo Sami Maher
Peter Martin
Stan Gyles

The current council has made significant progress on planning for building separated bike infrastructure.   Actually building the infrastructure has been slow, and mostly dependent on outside agencies:  for example, the excellent protected Moray St bike lane was built as part of the Melbourne Metro project.

Many candidates responded to the Bicycle Network with their plans for cycling: see responses here.

We have considered all incumbents that are standing for re-election on their votes in support of cycling on three main issues.  The most important of these is the ITS, so it is worth 2 points, and the others 1 each.

Integrated Transport Strategy.   In 2018 Council endorsed a transport strategy that included building a network of protected bike routes.   FOR: Crs Voss, Baxter, Brand, Copsey, Crawford, Gross and Simic AGAINST: Crs Bond and Pearl.

Park St bike lane:  In September 2019, the council considered the Domain masterplan, which (contrary to the intention of the integrated transport strategy) had only partially separated bike lanes shown.   A motion was proposed to modify the plan to have a fully protected bike lane, particularly between Kings Way and Moray St.   In favour:   Copsey, Baxter, Simic.  Against: Bond, Voss, Brand, Crawford and Gross.  The motion later unanimously carried was to "consider the feasibility of a protected bike lane", and to undertake community consultation on it.

Recent budget:  The pandemic has brought pressure to bear on Council's budget, and one very short-sighted proposal was to cut the bike infrastructure program.   A counter-proposal was to work with State government to build temporary bike lanes for safe travels post-covid, and install low-cost "shimmy" routes along quiet streets.   In favour:  Crs Voss, Baxter, Brand, Copsey, Crawford, Gross and Simic.  Against: Crs Bond and Cr Pearl. 

Other actions:  while votes in Council are important, we also note that Councillors have been fantastic at participating in our regular rides to look at infrastructure problems and opportunities.  All re-contesting candidates save for Cr Pearl have come along at least once, and Cr Gross has been on every. single. ride.  

For the new candidates, we have used the survey by Progressive Port Phillip, which asked the question  "Do you support expanding and connecting the municipality’s bike lane and bike path networks, even if these projects are solely funded by council?" We have not listed candidates who did not return the survey, with the exception of the “Ratepayers of Port Phillip” group. Their leaflets claim bike lanes are “stealing roads and parking spaces”. These people do not support cycling. New candidates are either recommended or not recommended (since we do not know their track record, only their intentions).

CANAL WARD: Incumbents:  Highly recommended Tim Baxter (Greens), 4/4. Recommended: Dick Gross (Labor) and Louise Crawford (Labor) 3/4.  Louise Crawford has supported building bike lanes, but also places a high priority on street parking.

New candidates:  In response to the survey question, Lesley Pianella, Denis Bilic and Maddy Blay support building bike lanes.

Steven Armstrong is "not sure".  Warwick Cahir supports "well planned bike routes that do not have a detrimental effect on the traffic and parking of the area they are located in".   Given that almost all the planned routes will require removal of some parking, don't vote for Warwick if you'd like more protected lanes.

LAKESIDE WARD:  Incumbents:  Highly recommended-  Katherine Copsey (Greens) 4/4, moreover has been actively proposing bike-friendly policy.  Recommended:  David Brand (Labor) 3/4.   Not recommended: Andrew Bond 0/4.

New candidates:    In response to the survey question, Robbie Nyaguy and Roger Ward support bike lanes. Geoffrey Conaghan is “not sure” but responded to the Bicycle Network with a well-thought out response.

Adrian Jackson states "Bikes can use the roads like any other wheeled vehicle" (!).  Bernard Mandile is “not sure”.  

GATEWAY WARD:  Incumbent:  Not recommended: Marcus Pearl 0/4. 

New candidates:  In response to the survey question, Stan Gyles and Earl James support bike lanes. Heather Cunsolo is "not sure" she supports bike lanes (but is a bike rider herself and came to the BUG's September meeting);   Peter Martin is also "not sure" but says he supports them in principle.  

Comments or corrections should be sent to

Responsibility for election comment is taken by J. Clutterbuck, 93 Spray St Elwood.

Good news for cycling in the August budget from City of Port Phillip

Good news for cycling for a change! At Council meeting on Wednesday 19th August, it was resolved:   "The 20/21 Budget also recognises the pandemic has influenced how we travel with extra bike riding initiatives including:

  • Installing a temporary protected bike lane on Park Street, between, Moray Street and Kings Way, to extend to St Kilda Road ($150,000)

  • Contributing to the development of temporary central safety improvements for riders along St Kilda Road, from St Kilda Junction, to the CBD, subject to the Victorian Government funding the balance ($280,000)

  • Contributing to developing temporary safety improvements for bike riders along Jacka Boulevard and Beaconsfield Parade, subject to the Victorian Government funding the balance ($250,000)

  • Approximately $150,000 to develop shimmy bike routes (informal bike riding routes connecting to local shopping strips). This involves selecting quiet street bike riding connections, marked with bike symbols, signage and safety treatments at key locations. The symbols and signage provide ‘breadcrumb trails’ for people to follow across the City

  • About $100,000 to improve accessibility issues at the St Kilda Junction."

The shimmy routes are St Kilda to Prahran via Dickens and Westbury; Elwood to St Kilda via Beach St, Broadway and Mitford; and St Kilda to South Melbourne, along Richardson St.  These line up with bike routes promised in the Integrated Cycling Strategy (Routes 7-8, 9, and 12 respectively).   Thanks particularly to Councillors Katherine Copsey, Dick Gross, Louise Crawford, and to Mayor Bernadene Voss for all their hard work on this.     It's worth listening to Cr Gross's impassioned speech in favour (here, starting at 2:08).   Support also came from Crs Baxter, Simic, and Brand.   (It was disappointing that Councillor Bond opposed this,  given that he's said that he supports safe cycling lanes on St Kilda Rd.) 

The routes on St Kilda Rd and Beaconsfield Parade require funding from State Government.      Please email Minister Ben Carroll and ask him to come on board with this.

This follows some years of work from the BUG:  we've been advocating for bike lanes, participating in the budget processes,  proposing the temporary bike lane along Park St, making contact with our Councillors.  And we couldn't do it without all of you--- thanks for

  • writing to Councillors

  • coming along on our Councillors' rides in the past couple of years

  • participating in consultations

  • and most of all getting out there and riding.


Report card: City of Port Phillip FAILS cycling

July 2020 PPBUG Report Card.png

In response to the acute pandemic crisis, and the ongoing climate emergency, neighbouring Melbourne local governments have quickly approved ambitious infrastructure plans to improve cycling.

  • Melbourne City Council will remove hundreds of car spaces to make way for 40 kilometres of cycling lanes, delivering their 10 year plan over the next two years

  • The City of Yarra will re-purpose road space to create new or expanded bike lanes

  • The City of Moreland has committed $1.83m additional investment in walking and cycling improvements this year, moving quickly to deliver several zebra crossings, pop up separated bicycle lanes, and pop up shared zones.

Similarly, the City of Sydney is also creating more than 10 kilometres of pop-up bike lanes to cope with commuters when COVID-19 restrictions ease.

The City of Port Phillip is sitting on its hands instead of seizing this unique opportunity to improve our city. The BUG has assessed Council’s performance against three measures, and concludes it COULD DO BETTER.

Measure 1: Building a network of protected bike routes. The City of Port Phillip Integrated Bicycle Strategy 2018—2028 planned a network of 10 bike routes to be built in 10 years. Two years on, only half a route has been completed— the north end of Moray St. Notably, this was led and funded by an outside agency (Melbourne Metro), not by Council.

If this project were on track, we’d expect to see two routes built by now.

Score: 25%

Measure 2: Pandemic response. The City of Port Phillip has done nothing to build safe places to exercise and commute, during and after the lockdown.

Score: 0

Measure 3: Active transport in response to the climate emergency. The City of Port Phillip declared a Climate Emergency in September 2019. Transport is identi- fied as the second largest source of greenhouse emissions, and Council has claimed that in response "We are installing dedicated bike lanes and paths across the city". As detailed above, this is well behind schedule, and the recognition of the climate emergency has done nothing to speed it up.

Score: 0

Safe space for cycling and walking

Proposal: that the City of Port Phillip and VicRoads install pop-up bikes lanes on key routes to ensure safe distancing during exercise and commuting. We also request that Council widens footpaths in well-used shopping streets to allow safe space for walking.

During the pandemic shut down, we’ve seen popular recreational routes (such as the Bay Trail) become quite busy, with poor prospects for maintaining social distancing.

As we consider easing restrictions and returning to work, maintaining social distancing on public transport will be challenging and by some estimates, will reduce capacity by 90%.

In order to ensure safe exercising now and safe commuting in the future, we are asking CoPP to install temporary bike lanes with bollards, water barriers, or even by just removing parking lanes.

Precedents: This has been implemented extensively overseas in cities such as Berlin and Milan, and also by the City of Melbourne.

Supporting council’s long-term transport planning: The routes we suggest below are either State strategic bike routes, or part of the Council’s planned bicycle network. Pop-up bicycle lanes in these locations would support a more informed consultation process when the time comes to consider making them permanent.

Suggested routes: Prioritise routes that are popular for recreation, key commuter routes, or routes where there are ample alternatives for car parking or vehicle traffic, and routes that join up with City of Melbourne improved routes.

  • Beach Road/ Marine Parade/ Beaconsfield Parade: This is a popular com- muter cycle route, yet on the beach side there is no continuous on-road bike lane, and on the other side, it is in the door zone. Even with reduced motor traffic volumes, it is unsafe. Furthermore, installing a pop-up bike lane would take pressure off the parallel Bay Trail, which has become very crowded with joggers and recreational cyclists. This could easily be done by re-allocating the clear way/car parking along Beaconsfield Parade into an on-road bike lane, protected by temporary bollards.

  • St Kilda Rd: A key commuter route, and one that was recognised by the RACV Strategic Cycling corridor review (January 2019) as offering the most potential for meeting the objectives of the Victorian Cycling Strategy. Again, this could be easily done by removing car parking, or reallocating a traffic lane.

  • Chapel St: Another important commuter route recognised by the RACV review, and one where the car parking could be removed to form a bike lane.

  • Albert Rd/ Kerferd Rd: There are plans for separated bike routes (with State government agencies leading), but in the meantime temporary bike routes can be installed. Council has already made extensive traffic studies of this route.

  • Moray St: An important commuter route connecting to the City of Melbourne. This has protected cycle routes on half its length already.

Safe space for walking: We also suggest widening footpaths in well-used retail areas. As cafes and restaurants have moved to take-away only, on our narrow streets it’s difficult for customers to queue while leaving room for pedestrians to safely walk past.

  • Allow shop owners the option of reserving curbside car parking areas directly in front of their shops as "safe space for standing" zones, marked off by bollards or the like.

  • Re-allocate curbside carparks in retail streets with narrow footpaths to walking. Suitable streets here include stretches of Carlisle St, Bay St, Barkly St, and Ormond Rd Elwood.

Councillor's Ride February 2020

Our latest Councillor’s ride was for Canal Ward, but in fact we spent a good deal of time in Lake Ward. Our focus was the planned protected bike routes on council’s Integrated Transport Strategy.

Slightly blurry, but the traditional pre-ride photo!

Slightly blurry, but the traditional pre-ride photo!

Councillors Tim Baxter, Katherine Copsey, Dick Gross and Louise Crawford joined us. Mayor Bernadene Voss sent her apologies, as did local MPs James Newbury and Martin Foley.

The route we took is here. Highlights were:

  • Old bike friendly pinch points on north end of Tennyson St, Elwood. While these are a little narrow for people on wide bikes or trailers, they do the job of traffic calming while keeping people on bikes from being squeezed. We compared this to the new plastic medians further south on Tennyson. The councillors indicated that those pinch points were a mistake and would not be repeated (and some have been removed).

  • Future ITS bike route 8, on Dickens St. This is a fairly wide street forming a great connection between Balaclava and the beach. Currently there is very little bike infrastructure on the route, though there is an advanced stop box at Beach Rd.

  • St Kilda Marina. The council is currently planning the renovation of this. The design will be done by the successful private tenderer, but the guidelines emphasise the primacy of pedestrian and cyclist movement through the site. There were some different opinions about the possibility of a drawbridge across the entrance—- while this would give people more access to the breakwater, it also has an estimated cost of $5 million.

  • Bay Trail between Marina and the Jetty. We spoke about the conflict in these areas at peak times, with cyclists who just want to pass through mixing it with pedestrians, dawdlers and tourists enjoying the space. We suggested the possibility of re-routing the path behind the sea baths. Another possibility is to make the on-road lane fully separated at this point, to accommodate both the roadies and the people using the Bay Trail.

  • Bay Trail at Catani Gardens. In 2019 the Bay Trail here was closed for two weeks to accommodate a music festival, with cyclists given a so-called “detour” along Beaconsfield Parade. This was not suitable for many Bay Trail users. The councillors said that that would not be repeated, so thank you to everyone who gave feedback to council at the time.

  • Connection between the Bay Trail and Fitzroy St. This is a bit of a mess.

  • Fitzroy St. The bidirectional trail here is often nominated as one of the areas where cyclists feel least safe, because drivers do not think to look for people travelling in the counterflow direction. Let’s not build more of these.

  • ITS route 6, Grey St and Inkerman St. Glen Eira Council recently confirmed that the continuation of this route, along Inkerman Rd to Caulfield, will be their Safe Cycling Corridor pilot project. It will connect the off-road bike path below the SkyRail, to the future protected bike lanes on St Kilda Rd. This is currently quite challenging to ride, with Grey St having no bike lanes and Inkerman St having only narrow lanes in the door zone. We discussed whether it would be possible to retain two lanes of parking on Inkerman St with separated bike lanes. There is currently a median that could be removed to free up space for this.


Thanks to every one who came along!

BUG advocacy priorities for 2020

We surveyed our members and supporters to find out where we should focus our advocacy efforts. Here are our top 10 for 2020:

  1. St Kilda Rd separated bike lanes

  2. Pedestrian/cyclist conflict on the Bay Trail near the St Kilda Sea Baths

  3. Poor connections between the City of Port Phillip and the City of Melbourne

  4. Ensure all routes planned on the Integrated Transport Strategy are built on time and fully protected

  5. Improve the bike lane on Chapel St (currently in the door zone)

  6. Remove railing chicanes at the tram depot on the Sandridge Trail

  7. Replace the bidirectional bike lane on Fitzroy St with two one-way separated lanes

  8. Dangerous intersection at corner of Cecil St and City Rd

  9. Signalisation of intersection of Elwood Canal path/Glen Huntly Rd

  10. Ensure adequate bicycle routes for Fishermans’ Bend are constructed

Latest information on these issues is in our big spreadsheet.

Thanks also to everyone who offered to help out. We will be in touch!

Park St-- an eloquent plea to Port Phillip Council

An address to Port Phillip Council by Middle Park resident, and public health expert, Dr Claudia Marck, 18/9.

I’m Claudia Marck and I’ve been a resident of Port Phillip for over 10 years.
However I grew up in the Netherlands where, just like 43% of the population, I cycled daily from a young age so I’m a confident cyclist and know what good cycling infrastructure looks like.
I cycle almost daily from Middle Park to my work at Melbourne University. It keeps me fit and active. It’s an efficient and cost-effective method of getting to and from work as it’s faster and cheaper than public transport or driving. I should mention, I do also drive a car when I have to.
As a public health academic, I’m well aware of the range of health benefits of active transport. In Australia 55% of adults don’t reach recommended physical activity levels and two thirds of adults and one quarter of young people are overweight. This is a major cause of chronic disease. I can also touch on the climate emergency but others have done that already tonight. So I think the benefits of promoting cycling is overwhelming. Getting more people on bikes also clears up the road for people who have to drive because of disability or other reasons.
In terms of behaviour change, science is clear that behaviour that is learned early in life is more likely to stick. So wouldn’t it be great to get kids and young people cycling to school and help them reach recommended physical activity levels and prevent overweight and associated chronic disease. For students to cycle to universities and TAFE. For people like us to cycle to work and the supermarket and not having to take the car to the gym. The biggest problem at the moment is that it’s simply unsafe to do so.
I’ll get to my point now, I’d like to ask that you prioritise safe cycling infrastructure. What does that mean? It means bike lanes that you would feel comfortable letting young kids cycle on. This means a bike lane that is physically separated from the foot path from parked cars and most importantly, physically separated from the road. If there is no physical barrier, it means cars, taxis, Ubers, delivery vans and trucks will use bike lanes as an overtaking lane, pick up spot, loading zone or swerve into when they’re looking at their phone. This is a reality for me every single day. I get cut off, pushed into the traffic by parked cars pulling out, get doored, have to go onto the road because it’s blocked etc. This doesn’t happen on bike lanes with physical barriers.

As a driver, I also prefer a physically separated bike lane, as it can be scary overtaking cyclists on narrow roads.
So in conclusion, a safe network of connected bike lanes should be priority for a healthy and active community. I hope you can find a way to prioritise a continuous separated bike lane on Park St as part of the domain precinct master plan.

More on Park St

First post on Park St is here.

We are continuing to argue for completely separated and safe bike lanes on Park St. The draft masterplan shows separated lanes east of Kings Way, and painted lanes between car parking and moving vehicles west of Kings Way.

In August the BUG met with Port Phillip Mayor Dick Gross and council officers, who said that while active transport was being “prioritised” on this route, they did not want to lose a number of car parking places, particularly the ones in front of the properties on the north side of Park St, between Law St and Kings Way which do not have off-street parking from Park St (there is however rear lane access). The properties on the south side of the street have off-street parking.

Council’s masterplan prioritises on-street car parking here

Council’s masterplan prioritises on-street car parking here

While there is currently a lot of room on this section of Park St, the plan is for new tram tracks to be installed, as part of the Melbourne Metro project. With the new tram tracks, there will still be sufficient room for completely separated bike lanes: this is a matter of priorities.

Council plans to build the separated lanes on the east end in FY 2019/2020. The new tram tracks are not expected to be built for another 5 years or so, when Melbourne Metro is finished.

We are advocating that when council builds the east end separated lanes this year, they mark parking-protected lanes, with temporary flexible bollards, on the west end. This will allow people to connect the separated lanes on Moray St with the ones on Park St, at least for some years. Our submission is here.

Paint is not protection--- Park St Link

City of Port Phillip has released the first designs for the Park St Link, Route 3 on the planned network of protected bike lanes in the Integrated Transport Strategy (ITS). These designs are part of the Domain Masterplan, now open for consultation, until 14th August 2019.

The Park St Link is a short section connecting St Kilda Road (with its future separated lanes) at Anzac station, and Moray St (Route 3 of the ITS, which has been built as separated lanes to the north, and only “buffered” lanes to the south).

Substantial changes are proposed here, with a new tram line down the street, as well as some street closures.

Context: Park St Link (marked 3) connects St Kilda Rd with Moray St. Full map here.

Context: Park St Link (marked 3) connects St Kilda Rd with Moray St. Full map here.

The eastern section between St Kilda Road and King’s Way shows a completely separated lane, protected from vehicle movements by some kind of curb. The intersection with the minor cross-street, Wells Street, has been dealt with by building up the curbs at the entrance, indicating that the cycle lane and footpath are to have precedence.

St Kilda Road to King’s Way separated lanes

St Kilda Road to King’s Way separated lanes

However the western end of the route, from King’s Way to Heather St, is what the council calls “protected”— that is, it is a green-painted lane with car parking on the left, and vehicles to the right. The “protection” is supposed to be provided by a painted buffer on both sides. Paint will not protect people on bikes from vehicles intruding into the bike lanes. Moreover, a non-separated lane does not provide the high level of safety required to encourage vulnerable or risk-averse potential cyclists.

King’s Way to Moray Street— a non-separated lane.

King’s Way to Moray Street— a non-separated lane.

There is no apparent physical reason why such a mediocre treatment has been proposed here, rather than a Copenhagen style lane with car parking between the bike lane and the vehicle lane. There are very few driveways, with much of the section adjacent to parkland.

Based on the treatment of Moray St, the additional space requirements for a separated cycle lane are as little as 0.5m; however if required, the new tram lanes could be slightly off-set, allowing car parking on one side (as a Copenhagen lane) but not the other.

The closure of Eastern Road is commendable, with extra open space created. There is also a very short section of separated lane between Heather St and Moray St.

On the whole, this treatment fails to achieve its own stated outcome of “A safe, on-road separated bike lane to connect to other bike riding routes, including St Kilda Road, Moray Street and beyond“ (Draft Public Realm Masterplan, page 26).

It also fails to respond to the community, who said:

• Park Street to St Kilda Road is a critical connection for bike riders and needs to be closely considered.

• Big supporter of the separated bike path – following similar models like the ones used in the Netherlands.

• Separated bike path to help improve safety.

(Documented in the Domain Precinct Design Response Community Engagement Report.)

You can respond to the draft plans here—please copy your response to, so we can include your concerns when we meet with councillors. The Port Phillip BUG has also made a submission on behalf of our members.

Ride report: Yalukit Willam bike ride

On Saturday 25th May 2019, sixteen people participated in the first Yalukit Willam bike ride, as part of Reconciliation week. The ride was designed to recognise and celebrate the continuing culture of the local Boon Wurrung people. Three years prior, City of Port Phillip had installed ten interpretive signs which provided some insight into the history of the Boon Wurrung people. On this ride, the BUG chose to visit these sites and thanks to Council were accompanied by a knowledgeable guide, Meyer Eidelson. He is the author of a book that was handed out to all participants: Yalukit Willam – The River People of Port Phillip (text shared here by generous permission of Meyer).


The ride was fully booked and everyone turned up on the day – enthused also by the beautiful weather we were fortunate to have, given the forecast hadn’t been great. The ride leaders (Georgie and Anna) met participants outside St Kilda Town Hall which was also the location of one of the ten signs; it provided information on Chief (Arweet) Derrimut of the Yalukit Willam clan.


It was a shame we didn’t have time to visit the sign at South Melbourne Market. Indeed a couple of people left the ride to head over there – as the City of Port Phillip had organised for Back2Bikes to run free bike safety checks for local bike riders. We also missed out the sign at the Fraser Street tram entrance on Canterbury Road – and instead headed to the Peanut Reserve in St Kilda. The sign there is backed by a beautiful mural created by street artist Adnate; it is a busy and bustling community, and in fact there was a footy game on at the oval. Amongst other information we were told the meaning of the words “Yangelly Yangelly” – if you don’t yet know it, or about this other important history and culture we recommend you start with visiting these signs, either on foot or by bike. Thanks to all for coming along, it was a fun and informative morning!


Councillors' Ride of the Gateway Ward

On Saturday 30th March the BUG took Councillor Ogy Simic and Mayor Dick Gross for a ride around Gateway Ward to look at some bicycle infrastructure, both the problems and the good new things. Our route and list of issues is here.

Despite the chilly temperature, strong winds and looming grey clouds, we were lucky to get sunshine to ride in. Here we are starting at the Port Melbourne Rotunda.

Despite the chilly temperature, strong winds and looming grey clouds, we were lucky to get sunshine to ride in. Here we are starting at the Port Melbourne Rotunda.

We made an early stop on the Bay Trail at the Sandridge lifesaving club. Here, the trail diverts away from the waterfront and runs along Beacon Rd. We were concerned that the bus stop (below) is a hazard, as the advertising blocks sight lines, making it difficult for cyclists to see people waiting at the bus stop or oncoming cyclists.


Next was a ride along Route 4 of the Integrated Transport Strategy (ITS), the Garden City extension. Beacon Rd needs an on-road protected route, especially through this roundabout—-


Route 4 then becomes a shared path through the Garden City Reserve. Shared paths are not optimal (they are unpleasant for cyclists and pedestrians), and we hope no new shared paths will be constructed as part of this project. There is a short connection missing between Garden City and the Sandridge Trail.

On to the Sandridge Trail itself: we had a look at those irritating railing chicanes.


Then over to Cecil and Moray Streets. We were impressed with the new separated path on the north end of Moray St, and the associated protected roundabouts. Hopefully all the new ITS routes are up to this standard.

On the protected bike lane on Moray St

On the protected bike lane on Moray St

All good things must come to an end! Moray St fizzles out when it crosses the border into the City of Melbourne, and our hours of sunshine were also up.


Thanks to Ogy and Dick for your support for cycling; Pierre and Brendan for braving the weather and coming along; Simon for the photos; Dennis and Rochelle for keeping us on track; and Liz, Geraldine and Jo for the route planning and the admin support.

Update on the Integrated Transport Strategy

We reported before on the City of Port Phillip’s Integrated Transport Strategy. Impressively, it includes plans for 14 new separated, protected bike routes.

Planned protected bike routes

Planned protected bike routes

Port Phillip BUG met with the Mayor, Dick Gross, in February, to find out when these are going to happen.

Route 1 Moray St has already been implemented by the Melbourne Metro Project.

Route 2 Albert Rd— Kerferd Rd has been taken over by the State Government, in the form of the Shrine to Sea project. It’s being administered by Parks Victoria. We’ve participated in a consultation about this, but we’re not really sure what is going to happen and when.

Routes 3 and 6 are to be completed by 2021-2022. Route 3 is the Park St Link. We don’t know if any planning has started on this yet. Route 6 is Inkerman St. There are some plans for very minor upgrades at some intersections (not much more than green paint).

Planning has started on route 4 (Garden City link to Sandridge trail) but all that is publicly available so far are plans for a minor upgrade to the shared path.

Routes 1—13 are to be completed by 2028, with the remainder completed after that.

We will continue to monitor progress— even the best plans are useless if they’re not implemented!

Voting for cycling in the November state election?

In the lead up to the November election, the Port Phillip BUG sought meetings with local candidates.  We also surveyed the local candidates, with only two responses, from the Greens and Animal Justice Party. We’ve looked at their party policies— unfortunately while individual candidates may be supportive of cycling, their party may not be.

Therefore I’ve covered firstly the party policies, and secondly the individual candidates.

Also see the Bicycle Network’s analysis (I’ve used their scores),  and Yarra BUG’s podcast.


Australian Labor Party:  C+

If the past performance is a guide to future results, then there is not much to look forward to here:   the Labor government has been missing in action on making cycling safer and more accessible.   

The main initiative promised at the last election was the creation of a new body responsible for active transport.  Active Transport Victoria has produced very little— it seems to be little more than a handful of media releases and an email address (  if you’re interested in asking them what they’ve been doing the last couple of years)

We’ve seen a few new cycle routes, such as those under the new Skyrail (unfortunately these are shared routes— definitely not best practice, or comfortable for pedestrians OR cyclists).   But very little in the way of making sure our principal bicycle routes are safe, and many missed opportunities to upgrade bike routes when other road works are being undertaken. 

In particular, plans for improving the key St Kilda Rd route have been put on ice.

New promises for this election:   Labor has promised to build separated cycle routes on St Kilda Rd.  While many local residents would prefer curbside lanes allowing them to safely access homes and workplaces, the plan for a cycle way in the centre of the road would be better than the current situation, and be particularly convenient for people travelling from the suburbs to the city.

Labor are also promising an upgrade of the trails network in Melbourne’s northern suburbs.

Liberal Party:  C

Cycling doesn’t seem a priority for the Liberals:  they’ve announced a few tourism-related projects in regional Victoria, and they support minimum passing distance legislation, but there isn’t much else on offer.

More seriously, they would like to grade separate many road intersections.   This would be disastrous for cycling and walking— imagine the mess of St Kilda junction replicated across our city, for example at the intersection of Glen Huntly and Brighton Roads.    It could well be that conditions for cycling will decline under a Liberal government.

Greens:  A

The Greens’ policy includes a $250m commitment to cycling, which will cover (among other things) a 17km Elsternwick-to-Sydney Road separated cycling path, taking in St Kilda Rd and Swanson St on the way.  It is also promising that cycling infrastructure will be funded independently of road works.   

Animal Justice Party:

While the published policies are mostly about animals, in the response to our survey local AJP candidate Tamasin Ramsey said: On the basis of [our] values, we support creating dedicated and separated bike lanes. This gives equal consideration to cyclists, in an environment where cyclists are vulnerable to bike lanes that exist alongside moving traffic, that included a growing number of heavy and imposing vehicles. Supporting cycling is rational because it enhances human health (both physical and mental), engages people with their community, and often improves their engagement with the natural world, including appreciation of – and sensitivity to - other species. All of these factors contribute to the wellbeing of our neighbours and thereby support healthy neighbourhoods.

Now, to the candidates (this is not an exhaustive list— just the ones we were able to make contact with):


Martin Foley, LABOR (incumbent).   The BUG has met with him twice in last term of government, and while he is clearly interested in and supportive of cycling, we’ve seen very little follow up on the issues we’ve raised, with the notable exception of St Kilda Rd separated lanes.

Andrew Bond (Libs):   As a local councillor, he’s come along on a BUG ride to see local infrastructure issues.  He’s also personally supports the St Kilda Rd separated lanes (not matched by his party).  

Ogy Simic (Greens):  As a local councillor, Ogy has come along on our infrastructure rides and advocated for cycling improvements.  He’s sought out the BUG for comment on various issues and is a frequent bike rider himself.

Tamasin Ramsey (Animal Justice Party).   The AJP is not campaigning strongly on issues related to cycling, but Tamasin often commutes by bike and has a good understanding of the issues facing local cyclists.


James Newbury (Liberals).  James was keen to meet with the BUG before the election.  He doesn’t have much experience cycling, although he does personally support the St Kilda Rd separated lanes project (not matched by his party) and seemed happy to listen to our concerns.  He has been a vocal supporter of a signalised pedestrian crossing of Glen Huntly Rd, at the canal.

Katherine Copsey (Greens).  As a local councillor, Katherine has been an advocate for cycling infrastructure, especially the St Kilda Rd separated lanes and other separated cycle ways, such as the Kerferd Rd improvements.   She has come along on both our infrastructure bike rides, and sought out BUG comment on various issues.   In her response to our survey, she writes: As an everyday cyclist myself I understand the difference dedicated bike infrastructure makes and am committed to advocacy and action so more people than ever can enjoy the freedom, fitness and fun of getting around safely by bike.


Sam Hibbens (Greens), incumbent: In the last term of government Sam Hibbens was able to get the traffic flow on Union St changed, to allow cyclists to travel straight ahead. He had been an advocate for separated lanes on St Kilda Rd and improving safety on Chapel St.

Ogy Simic, Katherine Copsey and BUG members checking out Kerferd Rd.

Ogy Simic, Katherine Copsey and BUG members checking out Kerferd Rd.

Andrew Bond checking out the infrastructure on Fitzroy St

Andrew Bond checking out the infrastructure on Fitzroy St

Responsibility for election comment taken by Julie Clutterbuck, 93 Spray St Elwood.

Victorian State Election: candidate survey

We have an election coming up in November!

Port Phillip BUG has sent a survey to our local candidates (seats of Albert Park, Brighton, and Prahran, and the upper house Southern Metropolitan division). The questions are:

  • Separated cycles lanes are the safest option for cyclists. Will you (and your party) support separated cycle lanes on St Kilda Rd and prioritise installation by 2021?

  • There are many VicRoads controlled roads that are part of the Principal Bicycle Network. Will you (and your party) support VicRoads upgrading the routes in your seat to separated bicycle lanes?

  • Please provide a link to your cycling policy.

  • If you gain office, are there any actions you plan to take, in addition to your party policy, to get more people cycling, more often, and more safely? (Incumbents: you may include actions you've taken over the last term of office).

We’ll post responses here as we receive them. (If you are a candidate and haven’t received a survey, email and we’ll send you the link).